Inside Atlanta’s New Brokerage Firm and Learning Center

Kirby Carroll Wright
2 min readApr 13, 2022

“We are looking for like-minded agents that want to grow and thrive. I believe in building a strong solid team of accountability and dedication to assisting others.

Real estate is a consistent topic that seems to keep popping up in discussions among friends and colleagues. Some are embarking on their first home-buying journey, while others are looking for additional sources of income and think real estate may be the solution. Regardless of individual motivations, the question is always the same. “Where do I start?” There appears to be a strong need for education in this space, which is why it was so refreshing to attend JW Realty & JWR Learning Center’s open house.

Owned by Janelle Weithers, the go-getter is excited not only to help future buyers but to spread knowledge.“We plan on having a bunch of community-centered events to simply educate people on the process of purchasing a new home.” And Weithers is well equipped to do it; She has been immersed in real estate for over a decade. In 2012 she started as her aunts’ assistant and by 2015 she completed college and was licensed. Today, she’s touched over 3,000 contracts and has trained top-level producing agents. The powerhouse attributes this to a skill for negotiating, attention to detail, and understanding of the market. But, something that also stuck out to me was the way she connects with others.

Community members, staff, friends, and media were present at the open house. And Janelle treated all of us to a tour of the facility. We networked and enjoyed food and a live DJ. During this time, she made sure to greet everyone and kindly thank them for attending. From her daughter’s bright smile as they cut the ribbon to her father’s proud grin when she closed the event — it was clear she was surrounded by love.

We see so much online and in the media about entrepreneurship. But, not enough people talk about the process and what it takes to walk away from something that feels “safe.” It’s encouraging when stories like this come to light. Here’s someone who worked, studied, and poured into others. And now she gets to make her dream come true.

If you’re in the market or a non-licensed agent looking for a brokerage check out JW Realty & JWR Learning Center today!



